Sunday, September 30, 2007

Posted by
two fish
11:07 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
finally, a routine.
yes, danielle - there's definitely a viable business opportunity with my new tofu venture - the way that my japanese friend's eyes sparkled when i told her about it, man, it's a goldmine! now, don't you want to share in this million dollar opportunity? i know you do, come on over, baby.
anyhow, apart from slaving over the stovetop in making 50lbs of tofu everyday, i have settled into a pretty nice schedule here. did i mention that i have a cleaning lady and two regular babysitters? and I LOVE THEM! i actually found that people here are easier to trust for some reason. they are LOVELY. the cleaning lady doesn't speak english but we get by with various hand gestures and man, she cleans!!! she seems to love ethan as well. she always grabs him and says "super! super!"
one of the babysitter is an older lady who used to be a music teacher - she's a natural teacher - she seems to want to teach ethan about everything! one time, ethan wanted to get carrots out of the tupperware, i just handed it over to him. she then takes it away from him and says "wait, wait" and goes to show him how to open the tupperware (it has these side things where you have to click it open) - open and close, open and close. finally, ethan loses his patience and starts to scream. it's hilarious. joe's so happy that ethan is getting taught since i'm not doing any of that. i mean, he'll learn once he goes to school, right?
the other babysitter is younger college student. she's been working with ex-pat families for about 10 years now, so her english is excellent and super experienced with kids! she actually thinks ethan is so easy to watch! it's true, she's only seen him in the mornings so far, when he's energized and ready to play - we'll wait and see, her evenings with both the munchkins are coming up shortly.
oh i digress, so here's my schedule. mak is at school from 7:30 - 4:30 - can you believe it??? our day starts at 6:45 - i can't even begin to tell you how painful that is to everyone involved. i also have my sitters come daily for 3-4 hours so i can do: quiet time, crafts, exercise, polish lessons, household errands, plan for family devotion time. (mind you, i have not started any of these things because i'm still organizing the house.... but i wanted to put it out there so you guys can ask me how any of these things are going :P - please, don't ask me too often)
monday - cleaning day. ethan and i just chill trying to avoid getting in the way of thorough cleaning. we can hop over to tracie's house (the other american family at joe's company) or just wrestle all day long.
tuesday - kid's club - kind of like gymboree run by international moms. i'll take a picture of the dreary environment where we try to stimulate our children.
wednesday - women's bible study - run by a missionary who's been here for 18 years - eclectic gathering of native polish women and international women.
thursday - free day. i'll probably hang out in the city with my new found friends!
friday - playdate with other american women. i'll tell you guys more about these two other american family we've met - i really like them!
so that's it. pretty good, huh? i'm still looking for a polish tutor and plan to contact 2 korean women who's apparently dying to meet other "korean protestant" - when my japanese friend told me that, i couldn't stop laughing. who actually says that? but anyway, i guess i fit the bill so we shall see if that goes anywhere.
my next agenda:
1. learn to make kimchi now that i've discovered napa cabbages. stay tuned for step-by-step on that one. (yanghwa, i'm waiting for yours so i can just follow your directions!!)
2. contact my fellow korean protestants.
3. get tick shots for my children.
on the next post: (this is to remind myself....)
1. my adventure to a malaysian food store
2. makayla's school picnic
3. new friends.
have a great week!
Posted by
two fish
8:34 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
voila! tofu!
2. make soy milk using soy milk making machine.
3. bring soy milk to a simmer for 10 minutes and add nigari to coagulate the milk. this is the tricky part, if you don't add the coagulant at the right temperature, it won't coagulate.
5. you place the coagulated soy milk in the tofu mold and press it with 5-10lb. weight. here we are using crushed tomato cans.

joe has thoroughly enjoyed the process and loves drinking fresh soy milk. we'd better be making tons of soy milk and tofu to recover the cost of the machine and the shipping!!! i told my new japanese friend here and she was thrilled that i will be providing with her with fresh batch of tofu here and there! in fact, our neighbor was totally intrigued by it as well. she loves soy milk but it's actually very expensive to buy here so she's considering purchasing the machine as well. we gave her a batch of fresh soy milk today so we'll see what she thinks! apparently it tastes a little different than the commercial ones you buy in the states.
Posted by
two fish
11:46 AM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
tofu horror continues
behold, what it looks like inside!!!
i'm sure i dont' have to tell you that we were too scared to try it and it went straight to the trash. . . . the other one he brought didn't look as bad. so joe decided to give it a try. i made miso soup for the kids and joe insisted on putting the tofu in. being the genius that i am, i took out almost all the soup and left one serving in the pot to cook some of the tofu - so that i can give it to joe and spare my kids the agony. oh, how i wish i video taped him taking the first bite!!!!!! his expression was priceless. he made all kinds of frown and proceeded to quietly spit out the tofu and threw away rest of the miso soup. darn you, tofu!! wasting my precious miso ration!! he said that words couldn't describe how nasty it was. . . . we are eagerly waiting for our tofu making kit.
Posted by
two fish
8:57 PM
rough week
makayla started school this week. little did i know that it would stress me out to no end. i posted that i was afraid of what would break me - well here it is - driving in narrow roads. i always hated driving. hated. i always told my friends that if i had all the money in the world, i would hire a chauffer and a florist.
what was i thinking for not signing up for a school bus service for makayla? the drive there takes about 40 minutes (15min if no traffic and no construction). the school is located in the boonies - outside of the city where the last 5 minutes of the drive consist of a winding road where it's suppose to be one way but insisted on being a two way. so if there's a car on the other side, one of you has to veer toward the grass or who knows what.
first day, as i was swerving to avoid an oncoming car, i hit a ditch and totally scraped underneath the car. the second day, joe was driving and he hit a pot hole so deep i hit my elbow and knee hard that i couldn't speak for a minute out of anger and frustration - ofcourse not at joe but at the road.... the third day, it was pouring rain and as i entered the small road, i see a gold VW in a ditch, tilted 45 degrees and unable to get out. great ~ that's going to be me in couple of days, i thought. i later find out that VW belonged to a new American family - this poor lady was standing in the rain waiting for help. the school is so used to having people get stuck, the guard has all kind of equipment to get the car out of a ditch, a hole and cow dung. is that a good thing or not?
Posted by
two fish
8:40 PM
more holland pictures
holland has the best chinese food. this is my favoritest (i know how to spell, alright?) thing to eat when i'm there. this is a huge scallop still on the shell, with vermicelli noodles, lots of garlic, green onions and some kind of sauce. it's soooooo good, i'm salivating just thinking about it. yummmmmmmm.
Posted by
two fish
8:30 PM