Monday, April 28, 2008

When visiting krakow. . . . Day 1

It's been GORGEOUS weather here in Krakow. and Joe's sister and her boyfriends has picked the perfect long weekend to come visit us. So here we are doing some touristsy things we were waiting to do until we had visitors. If you ever come to visit, this is pretty much the itinerary we will follow so you know :)

carriage ride around the Old Town.
Ethan under the impression that he is some kind of a royal, waving to the common folks.
coffee at our favorite spot in the market square.
munching on cotton candy.
watching the breakdancers. . . . yet again. . . . the same routine. . . . old for us, new for you. though kids doesn't seem to get sick of them. they do change their t-shirt colors to red and blue here and there.

chase big bubbles and relive your childhood.

Monday, April 21, 2008

spring '08

man, where does the time go??? already mid-april. i've been quite stressed about renting our house back in the states. praise God - we found a renter and it seems like it'll work out really well. we're finalizing our summer schedule and we will be back in the states end of june! whoo-hoo. i've also been busy sewing and jewelry making. after making some necklaces, i realized that i enjoy making daintier jewelry rather than chunky funky ones. it's weird, i know, because i'm not a dainty person.

check out rest of the collection (earrings and kid's earrings) on flickr.

these are two necklaces in one - did you guys see "27 dresses"? in it, the actress wears two or three small necklaces at once which i really really liked. i need to get my hands on silver sheets to cut out shapes to make it the way i really want. . . .

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring Break

Makayla is on spring break this week and early next week. we initially wanted to take a trip to cinque terra, italy but after some simple math with euros and dollars, we decided to postpone the trip until the dollar comes back a bit. (which to my swedish friend replied - "oh, you mean in 15 years?" - nice.) so we have many activities scheduled to keep ourselves from going crazy from boredom. today was a first real spring weather, we decided to plant some flowers in the garden. though apparently, you shouldn't plant anything until may since the weather in april is super unpredictable. . . . we'll see if it'll last.
makayla picking out flowers

ofcourse she picked purple and pink flowers - her favorite colors at the moment. i now realize why it's so hard to find non-pink clothes for girls. mak is starting to be picky with what she wears and refuses to wear all the classy browns and blacks i have for her - and only demands pink, hot pink, pale pink and occasionally purple. yikes. what to do with all her fabulous neutrals? if there's a girl who's only into neutrals, i'd like to meet her and give her half of mak's wardrobe. . . .

ethan carrying the tray of flowers - doesn't he look so grown-up here?

watering the fruit of our labor

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Boleslawiec Trip

Happy 6th Anniversary!! (joe looks litle too tanned - doesn't he??)

So for our anniversary gift, joe sent me along with couple of the ladies to go to the Polish pottery factory to purchase some dishes. Apparently, it's really famous but ofcourse I didn't know - though my Polish friends don't seem to have them - but all the foreigners do :) I just went to buy some bakeware since they told me that it's really easy to clean and bakes well. But once i stepped inside to see all the different patterns, i was mesmorized. i usually like my dishes super clean and simple but i really liked some of them (though some are not at all appealing...) and how it felt in my hands - especially the mugs! i think i'll be going back to pick some more pieces before i go back to the states permanently - especially if the dollar comes back!!!

Boleslawiec pottery - read more about it here

my favorite purchase - huge platter with handles.

obviously, i bought way more than i planned. . . . but those polka dotted mugs make me smile everytime i look at it :)

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