Sunday, November 1, 2009

costumes and cupcakes

they don't celebrate halloween here in poland. but my friend julie and i couldn't resist the idea of having some kind of a dress-up party. so julie being a semi-professional baker, we decided to throw costumes and cupcakes party for some of makayla's girlfriends. it was so fun and kids did amazingly well with decorating the cupcakes! i personally enjoyed it so much myself, i must make it a tradition :)

julie's sample cupcakes - so cute - myfavorite was the mummy. though the green alien and the pumpkin was the most popular with the kids.julie giving instructions on how to make each of the cupcakes
makayla is very satisfied with her werewolf! can you believe she made it??
ethan too is happy with his spider. he was the only boy at the party - we figured keeping it all girls would keep the chaos level down. . . . we were right.

we played some games as well - everyone went home happy with many candies and prizes

group shot - impossible to get a decent shot of everyone at this age. . . .