ethan patiently waiting for the bus - we're getting really friendly with the public transportation. and taxi.... our car is here but the battery died. we need to replace the battery, get polish registration and license. oh yeah, while we were waiting for the bus, two drunk polish (i guess i can stop qualifying everything as polish - i mean, you know i'm in poland, right?) men walked by and said "sayonara" to us. nice. our first somewhat race-related comment! we haven't gotten any ignorant comments so far, just lots of staring from young kids. i should one day throw a karate chop and say "hi-ya!!!"

buying a washing machine - the owner told us that the current washing machine works, we found it to be true if you are washing one towel at a time. soooo to keep me from having another meltdown, joe kindly agreed to buy a washing machine. but no dryer..... most europeans don't have dryers, yeah and asians too. oh, i miss you my duet dryer..... we have to hang dry our clothes and ofcourse it's so wrinkly i have to iron underwear. i told joe that we have to hire someone to just iron clothes for us because that'll take all day.
here it is, our polish sushi makers. yesterday was joe's birthday and to celebrate - we went to the old Jewish district to get some sushi. i was secretly hoping that it was run by a Japanese person and find out where they get their supplies. i could have busted out my japanese and win some affection - but unfortunately no asians in sight. it was a quaint small joint, good service and nice plates. oh the tea was good too.

what do you think? it doesn't look half bad in the picture. the tuna was more pink than red and the amount of rice in each roll was unbelievable. the rice was sooooooo sticky, we had to chew it so much. it didn't taste bad but the rice was way too overwhelming. joe and i just kept chuckling b/c our cheeks were filled by the rice and we couldn't talk. we ordered 4 rolls but got full by the 2nd roll b/c of the rice. i told joe, "we'll come back when we're really really desperate."
1 comment:
haha...well makayla can work there as a teen and people will be like, "its authentic, look a japanese girl!!" it was good to see you on film, your skin doesn't look bad...i guess u guys look like your making the best of your situation!!
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