tuesday was our official first family night. and you know what we did? we made the kids cut napa cabbage to make kimchi. alright, alright, you guys are tired of hearing about us making kimchi and tofu. but that's our life here!! anyhow, i'm not sure what the child labor law is like here in poland but trust me, they get good benefits and nice working environment. joe was like "can't we do something more meaningful - like do a lesson or talk about obedience, sharing, etc." my response? "are you kidding me?" to satisfy joe's need to do have deeper connection with the kids, after we were done with our project, we sat around in a circle to sing some songs and share prayer request and pray for each other. that lasted about 3 minutes since ethan couldn't stay seated longer than 10 seconds. after we were done, i looked at joe and said "this is why we're not doing a lesson on sharing or obedience." any ideas on running a succesful family night with a 2 and 4 year old, it'll be much appreciated!!!

mak working swiftly
mak working swiftly
mak got a slight cut on her finger. boo hoo.
on a happier note:
makayla like atypical girl loves to get pedi/mani. but b/c of ethan, she never gets to. b/c he would insist on getting one himself and that doesn't make daddy too happy. lucky for her. ethan took a nap with daddy on saturday so she finally got to use the nail polish she got for her birthday (back in august!!!)
first of all, mak has all the fine motor skills of an adept adult and secondly...did u give ur son a knife?? wow, ur family nights are all about the your most valuable trading commodity. u guys would do well in any sort of prison-detention camp of situation. and glad to know that joe is still expecting the spiritual high standards he used to when we rode in the car with him at retreats.
ok, so i'm really behind on what's going on in your life... i just read the most recent entry. how super funny looking at pics of your kids making kimchee. dang, they're going to hold this against you when they're older. you're giving them too much ammunition. i'll have to read the other posts soon, but just wanted to let you know that i had to let our neighbor "hold onto" the washer. we couldn't fit it in the truck when we were moving out. it was a nightmare of a move. =P ewhee
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