Monday, November 26, 2007


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

For us, couple of American families got together for a turkey and all that comes with it. It was nice to be able to celebrate it together with a real Butterball turkey! (one of the family is in the military so they have access to the commissary in the base in Germany) Everything was so good - though it was everyone's first time to make Thanksgiving dinner - they were used to being invited to a full meal at their parents/relatives' place- we were all like "how do you carve a turkey???" Well, there's first to everything! and it was done well!

andy scraping every bit of turkey meat he can find.
Thanks to his effort, kids were well fed!
Mak satisfied with her turkey - especially the spongebob mac and cheese!

craft time with daddies - they made bobble head turkey - it was followed by comments by dads "it's the hardest thing i've ever done" - these cheap craft kits are very complicated and the glue takes about a day to dry.
and some soccer to burn off some calories.
they really got into the foam letters

we finished the evening with ethan punishing daddy the letter head monster.Posted by Picasa


: fish said...

i was wondering if u guys would have thanksgiving...that's great, everything is better when done with other people! so no little boys for ethan to play with?...well except his dad :)

jamie said...

Aww... look at Ethan trying to fit a number 4 over his head. I guess he doesn't have a good spacial concept. Glad to hear you had good Thanksgiving!

a.s.k said...

I guess only when we don't have it, we appreciate it. 8)

gnusharas said...

haha! i get it... they're really getting INTO the foam letters... haha! good one!

Sueen Kelsey said...

sounds like a fun-filled thanksgiving! haha... kids literally got into foam letters. tell ethan to pick "o" next time! ;-)