Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter weekend

Hope everyone had a great easter!

On saturday, we went over to one of the missionary's house for an egghunt. It was really nice becuase they have 3 older daughters who took care of all the little ones! whoo-hoo! kids had a great time that we had to hide the eggs twice and makayla managed to zoom through the yard and collect 13 eggs and came out a winner! should i be proud or a bit scared of her greed?

ethan wanted me to pick up all the eggs... so typical. if you notice, they don't have those plastic eggs you fill with candy here - actually, they don't have the whole egghunt tradition.... so we just used boiled eggs - oh, and it was really hard to find white eggs so we had to stick with brown.
makayla claiming all the eggs
egghunt ended with ethan with crocodile tears - he was hit by a ball that boys were playing with.

After the egghunt, we headed over to the local Catholic church. There's a Polish Catholic tradition where you take a basket (filled with eggs, kielbasa, horseradish, bread, orange) to the church and get it blessed with holy water. Kids got super excited about filling the basket and ethan kept sneaking a bite of the bread - i wonder if Polish people will be horrified about that??? I was told by my Polish friend that during the communist time, she hated going to the church for this tradition since it was kind of a show of who can bring the best kielbasa or best hand embroidered doilies - something like that. i guess kind of like fashion shows you can have at some American churches.....

i actually went to get a picture of this! the head is cut off because i had my camera on my waist trying to be inconspicuous as possible :P Polish people clean their house from top to bottom a month before Easter in preparation. So often times, mothers are still busy cleaning the house so they send their sons or grandsons to get the basket blessed. So you see these punks who you usually don't see at churches carrying these dainty baskets to get holy water sprinkled on them. really funny. we, too, were successful in getting some holy water on our basket - hope we have a fruitful year!

we rounded up our Easter weekend with some egg dyeing. note to self: brown eggs don't dye as well as white ones.

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