Makayla is on spring break this week and early next week. we initially wanted to take a trip to cinque terra, italy but after some simple math with euros and dollars, we decided to postpone the trip until the dollar comes back a bit. (which to my swedish friend replied - "oh, you mean in 15 years?" - nice.) so we have many activities scheduled to keep ourselves from going crazy from boredom. today was a first real spring weather, we decided to plant some flowers in the garden. though apparently, you shouldn't plant anything until may since the weather in april is super unpredictable. . . . we'll see if it'll last.
makayla picking out flowers
ofcourse she picked purple and pink flowers - her favorite colors at the moment. i now realize why it's so hard to find non-pink clothes for girls. mak is starting to be picky with what she wears and refuses to wear all the classy browns and blacks i have for her - and only demands pink, hot pink, pale pink and occasionally purple. yikes. what to do with all her fabulous neutrals? if there's a girl who's only into neutrals, i'd like to meet her and give her half of mak's wardrobe. . . .
ethan carrying the tray of flowers - doesn't he look so grown-up here?
watering the fruit of our labor