Tuesday, September 9, 2008

blonde makayla

makayla has a classmate who is swedish. our families have become very close and hang out together often. the funny thing is that both families think that makayla and ester look extremely alike. they are the same height, same shape, has similar expressions. it's very cute. now i know what makayla would look like if she was blonde. . . .

just imagine makayla with blonde hair and light eyebrows - they'll look like twins!
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a bebe-shaped friend said...

i love these pictures :)

: fish said...

yes, now you just have to find the other five color of makayla and you will have a set!

Mina said...

mak is beautiful! she's turning into a little lady!

Unknown said...

yes, i see what you mean. both cute puffy cheeks - beautiful!