We had another quick trip to London. I had alot on my agenda though Joe was the one going for a business trip. First off, I had to get a haircut at a Japanese salon, which turned out well :) All my friends here thought it was so funny that I had to go all the way to London to get a cut but I'm sure my fellow owners of thick, straight, voluminous Asian hair can attest to the importance of an Asian stylist!
next stop is ofcourse to get some sushi. it was sooooooo good. melt in your mouth - and joe got to try shabu shabu for the first time. it made me think about my dad who used to LOVE shabu shabu - the perfect health food - meat and veggies boiled.

we stayed at the sheraton near sloan street where all the fancy stores were. and look at this. this is a dry cleaner - all the dress shirts were marked and lined up like some fancy shirt store. it really looked like a boutique. i should have found out how much shirt cleaning was.

we went to the V & A museum which is now my favoritest museum!!! before this visit, it used to be the Uffizi gallery in Florence. it was such a fun experience at the V & A! Even Joe really liked it and he was poo pooing it initially because it's more of applied art muesum rather than fine arts. but the way everything was displayed and layed out, it was the most interesting and innovative museum i've been too. I highly recommend it if you are in London. In fact, all the museums in London have been super enjoyable.

they have this Asian exhibition, and we thought this was really funny. it's a "life-sized automaton" - the crank handle operates the mechanisms to make the man's arm flair and make groaning sounds. Is it suppose to be a toy? i personally wouldn't buy it for my kids.

the main hall of the V&A.

we had a meal at the harrod's food court which was the fanciest food court i've ever been to. we had to have fish and chips being in England :)

then my first trip to see Les Mis - Joe's fourth.
Kids were sick when we left so I had to call home like 3x a day. They were okay and just wanted to make sure that we were brining back some goodies for them! What a great trip it was, can't wait to go back - maybe next time with the kids :P