ellen, you ask how i can find the time to blog? when you have a completely empty social calendar, you can find alot of time to blog ;P
we had a pretty good weekend :) we had someone come out to jump our car and we got to drive for the first time!! the freedom, it was awesome!!! though we only went grocery shopping and ikea. on sunday, i met two separate missionary couples church planting in krakow. it was so cool to talk to them. one of them was a really young couple - early or mid 20's - they just started a coffee house to reach students and young families. i'll be sure to check check check it out! the wife was like "hey, we should hang out sometime" and i was like "heck yeah, joe will be watching the kids so i can come explore the city with you!!!" thank you, honey!
the other couple had two children and pregnant with the third. she is due any minute, and we were all nervous for her about delivering in krakow. apparently the hospitals here are not quite like the ones in the states.... i'll just leave it at that.
our first drive in krakow. apparently this country has the most number of signs per kilometer. i believe it.
we had lunch with the pastor and his wife after church at this local joint. unbelievable amount of food and it was good :) oh, notice i'm wearing a jean jacket, it is not that warm here.
ethan enjoying his potato pancake and beef stew.
ethan protecting his ketchup from daddy's fries.
we had a funny conversation with the pastor. we asked him how we can ask for ketchup. he said it's "ketchokowa" and the wife started to laugh and we finally caught on that he was joking. i then said "are you sure it's not ketchupski?" it's true, some words i've seen, you just ask "ski" at the end!! when mark kim found out that we are going to poland, he started to call me "jeremy moonski" - i thought it was kind of inappropriate but he was not far off - kudos, mark!

so madam moonski, what is ketchup in polish after all?
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