Thanks to ellen for her kimchi recipe and poland for carrying napa cabbage, we gave our first attempt at making our own kimchi! well, joe did all the work. despite the fact that we didn't have any oysters or shimp marinade stuff, it turned out quite good :) we had our first kimchi with japanese curry. yum. yanghwa, we will be waiting for your pictures and how to's as well! next attempt will be cucumber kimchi and kkat tu gi.
btw, i met up with my fellow koreans. it was actually really good. they are both older and obviously first generation koreans but there was something comforting about speaking korean. very interesting. one of them is married to a French guy - fascinating, and i don't think she's a believer though open to going to a church. the other older woman was actually a tentmaker in uz.bek.istan for 8 years until they got kicked out. she does make her own kimchi so we may trade with my tofu and her kimchi. apparently, there's about 10 korean families here in Krakow but they all had some kind of falling out so they never get together - sounds like every other korean church. being that it's such a small community, it's pretty sad. . . .
btw, i met up with my fellow koreans. it was actually really good. they are both older and obviously first generation koreans but there was something comforting about speaking korean. very interesting. one of them is married to a French guy - fascinating, and i don't think she's a believer though open to going to a church. the other older woman was actually a tentmaker in uz.bek.istan for 8 years until they got kicked out. she does make her own kimchi so we may trade with my tofu and her kimchi. apparently, there's about 10 korean families here in Krakow but they all had some kind of falling out so they never get together - sounds like every other korean church. being that it's such a small community, it's pretty sad. . . .
it's random but we got a real digital camera for makayla for her birthday. she takes some mean pictures. check out this landscape portrait from her car window.
and this one titled "father and son with weird polish mural"
i'm glad it worked out. that kimchi looks really yummy.
it's really hard to make new friends. too many white folks....
looks like you guys are doing well. miss ya.
oh goodness, maybe one of your goals is to reconnect the koreans there...wonder what the fallout was about..anyways, your house looks so nice! your becoming like a first generation making your own kimchee...
That picture of Joe squeezing the cabbage is hilarious!!!!!!
I'll e-mail soon.
Wow, that kim-chee looks good! Mmm, makes me want to have some kim-chee with bop now. It must taste so much sweeter eating it in a foreing country. Wonder if Mak took that picture thinking it looked like her name.
you guys are almost there... afraid that you might settle there for good once you master the tofu and kimchee makings. 8)
being a single doesn't mean that any other singles are a good match for him/her. in the token, being a korean doesn't mean that all koreans can get along well. so, don't bother the UN effort. 8) If they are living in Poland, there is a reason. 8)
OMG, Mak is so talented in taking pics!
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