Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We finally got a chance to go skiing couple of times over kid's week break in February. We had a visit from Joe's sister and her boyfriend so off we went to a ski resort in Zakopane.

This is Makayla's swimming teacher - she also teaches and runs ski camp during the winter - she's a super athlete! She is so good with kids and patient with them. No one can pay me enough money to teach bunch of kids to ski - nor adults!! It takes special skills to be a teacher. I respect them :)
Ethan didn't ski but was dragged around in his little sled. He insisted on wearing a helmet and goggles - though there was no danger around him at all. He didn't even want to take them off in the lodge. It's always so puzzling what kids get fixated on.

This was the second lesson Makayla had. I took her to a local slope to just get a lesson. I thought she would go about 2 hours. Monica did one lesson and was waving for me to come. I thought they were done but she said that Makayla wants to keep going so they will take a break and do another session. I was amazed at her endurance and desire to keep going. All I remember from my childhood skiing days is me wailing over the fact that I had to carry my own skis from the parking lot to the lodge. So she had another session and by end of the day, Makayla was able to come down from the little hill - top to bottom on her own! It was a great day!

Makayla and Ethan playing air hockey at the lodge.


Melanie said...

Ooh!! Wonderful... My kids too love skiing... I got safe and high quality of skis set for them from Sports Authority...

Mina said...

Ha! I love the second video when Joe asks Mak to let Ethan score one, and she promptly blocks his shot! But then Ethan manages to get one in anyway! What fun kids!

a.s.k said...

not sure what's really going on there in poland, but strictly judging from your blogs, I think you guys are living the life of "rich and famous". weekend skiing, flying to london for haircut & sushi, and etc... very nice... we are fine here in the States. the 401k's are nil, so we will be working until the titaniums in our hips wear out. Ha ha ha ha ...

Unknown said...

Sounds like you all have lots of fun!