one of my motivation to keep a blog was to start posting my craft projects - yawn - i heard that hyelee. anyhow, i know that some of you guys are more than happy to see and hear about what i'm up to in my craft world. so here's the latest. one of my goal for the next 3 years is to learn to use my sewing machine somewhat proficiently. joe loves (HATE) that goal because it doesn't really "define" my goal. he wants me to have like "i will have made 100 sewing projects" or something totally measurable. me on the other hand is quite satisfied with the vagueness of my goal. what is proficient for me maybe not be for you. i would have been a great relativist if i wasn't a Christian!

this is my first ever attempt at making anything with a sewing machine. good thing that the picture doesn't show seams b/c if it did, you guys would all be nodding in unison that this is my first project. anyhow, it's a library book cover. makayla's school requires that library books that they rent be covered in cloth - i guess american books are precious commodity here.
this is my first ever attempt at making anything with a sewing machine. good thing that the picture doesn't show seams b/c if it did, you guys would all be nodding in unison that this is my first project. anyhow, it's a library book cover. makayla's school requires that library books that they rent be covered in cloth - i guess american books are precious commodity here.
here it is in action - no velcro or snaps, just fold over to accomodate different book sizes. it's functional and that's all that matters.
next onto my jewerly making. here i have "jeremy" - i've been making stuff that's inspired by people i know. this one obviously named after me b/c it's my favorite color combination - green and purple! green swarovski briolette and tourmaline beads with sterling silver findings. when the weather gets better, i will take pictures of other finished products :)
wow, you're so talented! :-) would you make "sueen" earings, too, someday?
Your new name should have been Martha.
great job! can't wait to see your winter collection (that means 15 pieces of jewelry and 12 book covers)...
Hey Jer, I LOVE those earings! Can you make one for me?
Hang in there while Joe is gone. DK is in Korea this week but luckily (or not so luckily) my parents are here while he's gone. It's been raining a lot so we've been spending LOTS of time together. I never thought I'd ever wish that my kids weren't in school full time...
wow! You are SO COOL!!!
That is quite impressive, my dear!
i'm REALLY impressed too! you are so very gifted! ewhee
you're not blogging for hyelee so you need to post more craft things. i tried sewing but we didn't really bond... i'll be putting orders in once you feel you're confident. oh, yes, for the earrings i do like indian themed earrings, i like ruby red or topaz yellow, you can also add black, but i'll be adventurous and try other colors, just think of me real hard and create the "yanghwa" earrings :-)
p.s. i have several choco chip cookie recipes, i'll look through and send you the ones i like. want to try making your own pumpkin pie also??
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