Sunday, October 14, 2007

gap model....maybe not.....

i have a gap card. i love babygap and gapkids - not so much adult gap - oh, but gap body has great underwear - ask any ladies from my small group..... i digress, but anyhow, i got an email from the gap about a casting call. people submit pictures of their kids to be the next gap model. and most of people know that i'm not one to think that my kids is the cutest baby in the whole wide world. really, i'm NOT that person. BUT i happen to think that ethan comes quite close. okay, okay, you can throw up if you'd like but i'm going to continue. i also have alot of time in my hands. so i told joe that i'm thinking about entering ethan - and he goes "yeah, right. as if...." undeterred, i decided to snap some photos of him. after 15 minutes of trying to get a decent shot, i now decided that he won't be a model after all. he will have to settle for an ordinary life of a chinese-korean american child. . . . not so easy being a model.....oh, don't get me wrong, i didn't think he would win, apparently judges narrow it down to 20 kids and people vote on the cutest kid. hey, i'm a realist, though i think ethan is awfully cute, i know he doesn't stand a chance next to a blonde blue eye regular john doe. but maybe they are looking for a smiley asian boy....

either way, i just wanted to share the fruit (or the lack of) my labor.

joe just gave ethan a haircut and took the funniest picture of him..... again, he will not be a model......
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: fish said...

did u ever see some kid models, not so cute. i think ethan has the looks but not the calmness, he would get kicked off the shoot in 5 minutes. but u should send in the pix, he may have a chance plus u could at the worst get a gift certificate and the best scenario, get to go to ny!!!

jamie said...

He's so cute!!! Can't wait to bribe him with food to give me a hug and a kiss. I think he'd have a chance as a Gap model, esp. with curly hair. But I'd have to agree with :fish on whether he can sit still for a photo shoot. The second picture of him reminds me of your nephew.

Sueen Kelsey said...

at the nursery, teachers often said that Ethan is so good-looking! you're not alone! :-)

gnusharas said...

these shots are so cute!!! you should definitely enter him in!

a.s.k said...

kelly saw your blog and she sent the kids pictures to the Gap contest. We will see what happens. 8)